We're continuously working to improve the CompuServe Gold experience and we'd love to hear from you! Visit our feedback forum to vote up existing ideas or post new product suggestions and feedback for the team.

Search and vote for an existing idea or feedback

1. Launch CompuServe Gold.
2. Sign in with your username and password.
3. Click Help at the top of your screen.
4. Click Submit Feedback.
5. Type a keyword into the text box and results will generate.
6. Click Vote next to an idea you agree with.
7. Enter your email address and name.
8. Select I agree to the terms of service.
9. Click Subscribe.

Share a new idea or feedback

1. Launch CompuServe Gold.
2. Sign in with your username and password.
3. Click Help at the top of your screen.
4. Click Submit Feedback.
5. In the text box, tell us about your idea or feedback.
6. Enter your email address and name.
7. Select I agree to the terms of service.
8. Click Post idea.