CompuServe has made the decision to shut down CompuServe Chat Rooms, which are currently only available to CompuServe Gold subscribers. To help you through this transition, we've compiled some frequently asked questions.

Will I receive a discount or refund of my monthly CompuServe Gold subscription fee?

No, the only feature being decommissioned is CompuServe Chat Rooms. CompuServe Gold has many features that will continue to function normally and our development teams are constantly evaluating the software and feedback in order to add additional features.

Will this impact my CompuServe Gold account?

No, the only thing being decommissioned is Chat Rooms. All other features of CompuServe Gold will continue to function normally.

Why was this decision made?

CompuServe has made the decision to shut down CompuServe Chat Rooms as of December 15. CompuServe Chat Rooms has seen a steady decline in usage over the last several years. Over that same period, we've witnessed unprecedented levels of engagement across our other properties as customers seek out premium, trustworthy content. While these decisions are never easy, we must sometimes make difficult decisions regarding products that no longer fit our long-term strategy as we hone our focus on other areas of the business.

What is the timeline for this process?

  • December 15 - You'll no longer be able to access CompuServe Gold Chat Rooms.

How can I continue to connect with my Chat Room friends?

Although we do not have any official partnerships with any of the following groups' sites, we feel that the least we can do for our loyal customers is to recommend some reliable sites for our users to continue having group communications. These sites are simple and easy to use.

Reddit - Requires a reddit account
Facebook Groups - Requires a Facebook account