The CompuServe Gold Download Manager allows you to access a list of your downloaded files in one convenient location. Use the Download Manager to access and search downloads, sort downloads, web search similar items, and more.

Open the Download Manager to access a download

1. Launch CompuServe Gold.
2. Sign in with your username and password.
3. Click File at the top of your screen.
4. Click Download Manager.
5. Click a File Name to open a download.

Web search your downloads for similar items

If you'd like to search the web for other content similar to your download, select Search the web for [File Name].

Access the point of origin of your download

The original source of your download is located under your File Name.

Sort downloads by column

To sort your downloads, click the column header you'd like to sort by (Date, Type, Size, Name). Click the column again to sort by ascending or descending order.

Clear all downloads

Select Clear all to delete your downloads from the Download Manager. Saved downloads will still be available in your computer's downloads folder.