Feel safer when you go to bed at night. For only $6.951 month, this plan includes features that are designed to safeguard your computer from viruses, hackers and hardware failure. Plus it provides essential CompuServe support! You can get all this without compromising your budget.

You get access our best online security protection available from McAfee Internet Security Suite - Special Edition from AOL2 for up to 3 computers with comprehensive protection against viruses, spyware and hackers. You’re also eligible for up to $250 per year of Extended Computer Protection from AOL3 to repair or replace your computer in case of hardware failure, live technical support by phone, and 4 hours per month of CompuServe’s fast and reliable dial-up access4.

In addition, you’ll receive CompuServe’s most popular features, such as email and our all-in-one software.

The CompuServe Support & Security Plus plan is a great value, saving you about $25 per month over purchasing these premium services separately.

AOL Support & Security Plus – Limitations & Restrictions

1 (CompuServe Support & Security Plus) Additional taxes may apply. An additional $5 monthly charge will still apply if premium services or additional fees are paid through your checking account.

2 (McAfee) Download at get.aol.com/mcafee.

3 (Extended Computer Protection) Limitations and exclusions apply.

4 (4 hours of back up dial-up) Any dial-up hours over the 4 hours included in this plan will be charged at $.99 per hour, up to a maximum of $4.00 per month. Members in certain areas, including Alaska, may have to pay additional communications charges. If you connect to CompuServe using a dial-up connection, you may incur additional charges on your telephone bill, depending on your location and calling plan. Please check with your telephone company for more information. Minimum system requirements apply.