BYOA (Bring Your Own Access) Plan
BYOA (Bring Your Own Access) Plan
Bring Your Own Access: $9.95 per month for use of CompuServe 2000 when accessing through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), cable modem or Local Area Network (LAN). Some premium services carry additional charges.
This plan is for members who want to use CompuServe 2000 either through their Internet Service Provider or through the work or school environment. AOL can not be used as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for CompuServe 2000 members.
If you select this plan, it will go into effect on your next monthly billing date and you will enjoy the service without regular hourly fees after the change is completed (to determine your monthly billing date, go to Keyword: Billing and click Display Your Billing Terms). Your monthly billing date will remain the same as it is now and we will charge your account the $9.95 monthly fee along with any previous charges that you may have accumulated during your current billing cycle.
Communication surcharges may still apply and will be charged monthly along with any premium services charges or purchases made and added to your CompuServe bill. In addition, if you do not access CompuServe 2000 through your ISP, you will incur an additional surcharge of $1.95 per hour which will be added to your CompuServe 2000 bill.